Why to hire dedicated game tester?
Why dedicated game tester is important for your games?
Good programmer might not be a good tester. They might feel difficulty to find bugs in their own code. Because they love their work a lot.
So Why dedicated game tester is important for your games?
Earlier time there was no importance to games testing department & testers it did not even exist in the company itself. Developers themselves used to test the game or give it to their friends and family for testing. The feedback was used as a test report. In that era, it was suitable because games were small & the industry did not have that much hype or turnover. Later on, as the gaming market boomed the need for game testing arose. It was no longer possible to develop the games and test at the same time. The scope of game development increased by a huge margin. Developers started publishing games on multiple platforms which meant huge development time and cost. The testing department was formed to ensure the quality of the game.
Why to hire dedicated game tester?
Sometimes a developer might not be an avid gamer but has the skill to develop and design awesome games. In such a case if an experienced game tester is hired then he can point out the design and progression flaws. It might happen that a game design looks good from above but when experienced people play it they won’t like it. In such a case the developer can get instant feedback from the tester and correct the code way early in the development cycle.
To find exploits in a game a tester has to think like an end user. An end user will always try to cheat, gain extra points or pass levels by finding design flaws. If an end user discovers such issues then they get an unfair advantage and some of them will post them on video sharing websites. This might result in players anger towards the developer or publishing company for not identifying such flaws in the first place.
At Masters interactive we test the game in all modes. One tester will play the entire game in easy difficulty, others will play in hardest. There are testers who play the game on all the difficulties multiple times. Hardcore gamers usually do these things. A new or casual gamer might tolerate issues but a hardcore fan will make sure that the developers hear his pain. Harsh posts might be left on social media and the community managers have to handle such issues. All of these could be avoided if the entirety of the game has been completely tested from start to finish on each and every available mode/feature.
So hire Masters Interactive dedicated game testing service for your games. Game testing is not only our professional but also it’s our passion. We work only on one policy i.e, your game quality is our commitment.
~Rahul N Gaikwad